Inc. – 6 Leadership Skills you Should Practice Daily
This Inc article from April 2018 outlines 6 leadership skills you should practice daily for them to rave about you. We see these less as skills and more as philosophies or attitudes. The six listed are being able to: Display authenticity Value others as workers and human beings Grow your people Provide direction Share leadership […]
Your Employees are Watching – and Evaluating YOU
You have systems in place to monitor employee work output. You track time on the job, projects done, sales, etc. Employees are watching you, too. They are evaluating you. They are determining what kind of leader you are. It’s common knowledge that people leave their jobs mostly because of issues they have with their boss. […]
Employees Don’t Trust Leadership? What Can I Do? Be More Authentic
How many organizations have you heard about where employees don’t trust leadership? There can be many reasons for it, but one of the main ones is that employees feel leadership is distant, that they’re holding something back, that they believe they are better than them. Those perceptions build over time, but can be broken. How? […]