Orgametrics Reaction to George Floyd’s Killing: Alignment to Mission and Vision of the USA is Desperately Needed
The killing of George Floyd in our hometown of Minneapolis has rocked our community and has led to demonstrations around the world not only about police violence against communities of color, but for justice for all humans. Erik Beckler, our Chief Alignment Whisperer, created this special podcast episode to talk about our reaction to this […]
Mission Alignment Between Law Enforcement and Schools – Minneapolis Star Tribune
We do a lot of work with law enforcement and K-12 education. Their missions of serving their communities intersect one another in so many ways. Developing happy and healthy children that will be contributing members of the community. If law enforcement can be a part of that process as kids are growing up, it serves […]
What Does Creativity in Law Enforcement Mean and How Does it Drive Alignment?
We think of law enforcement agencies as organizations where strict adherance to procedures and policies. If that training and process are not followed, bad things can happen. With the law enforcement agencies we work with, they work very hard at this and communicate such tactical information continuously. However, creativity can have a real impact on […]
Looking at Minneapolis Police, EMS Staff and Ketamine
The Minneapolis Star Tribune wrote a story about a report completed by the Minneapolis Police Office of Police Conduct Review regarding Minneapolis police officers suggesting to Hennepin Healthcare EMS workers they use the tranquilizer ketamine – the date rape drug – on suspects and other people. Sometimes, these people were handcuffed and even weren’t “profoundly agitated” […]