HBR – Uniting the Senior Team

This Harvard Business Review article discusses the misalignment that had set forth in the company Swisscom in 2016. Once a market leader, they were stuck between status quo and need for growth. Their leaders couldn’t agree on the proper path. Swisscom leaders were brought together to develop a plan forward and to have alignment with […]

Take these 3 Steps to Revive your Strategic Plan

You have a strategic plan. Does it sit in many drawers in offices? Does it not have the traction you thought it would when you led its creation? You are not the first, or last, organization that’s had a strategic plan not fully embraced and executed. That doesn’t mean the plan is horrible or can’t […]

4 Ways to ‘Sell’ Your Strategic Plan, even Before it’s Launched

Earlier, we wrote about how your Strategic Plan isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. If you, as a leader, don’t align the plan to your Mission and Vision and regularly sell it to employees at all times, your organization is at risk of floundering and of missing its goals. What are some ways you […]