Drive for Excellence by Arizona Commerce Authority Earns Orgametrics Award
For its outstanding initiative in organizational alignment, the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) has earned the Orgametrics Award from Orgametrics, an analytics and consulting firm dedicated to improving organizational alignment.
The ACA was recognized for earning the highest-ever first-time alignment score of any organization surveyed by Orgametrics.
The Orgametrics Process, which identifies areas of alignment and misalignment in organizations relative to their mission, vision and strategic plans, helps organizations like the ACA understand and improve on alignment gaps through predictive analysis.
Orgametrics alignment data has been shown to help organizations identify their strengths and areas for improvement, create efficient, actionable plans to achieve their goals and objectives, and measure results to determine the effectiveness of their efforts.
As one of the nation’s fastest-growing states, Arizona has enjoyed considerable economic development success through the ACA, including attracting more than 750 companies to the state responsible for $10 billion in new capital and more than 125,000 new jobs. Under the leadership of ACA President and CEO Sandra Watson, the ACA sought to strengthen its services even further, and began using Orgametrics alignment data to identify a baseline score for organizational alignment and find ways to improve on it.
“The only way to improve organizational performance is by capturing a baseline measure of success, then identifying ways to enhance your strengths and reduce your weaknesses,” said ACA President and CEO Sandra Watson. “With Orgametrics, we have a partner that not only understands our economic development interests, but has the ability to tailor its organizational alignment data to our specific needs.”
Moving forward, the ACA seeks to use its Orgametrics alignment data to become an even better-performing organization.
“The Arizona Commerce Authority amply demonstrates how all organizations, including those which are high-performing already, can stand to benefit from the application of Orgametrics alignment data,” said Orgametrics CEO Art Johnson. “We’re thrilled to recognize the ACA for the immediate insights and improvement opportunities it has gained from Orgametrics.”