Podcast – Misadventures in Taking Survey Answers Literally

Employee engagement surveys have been the standard for organizaitons to measure employee sentiment for decades now. However, the structure of these tools beg for organizations, and I’ve been part of the post-survey process, to look at issues at the team level and try to address specific, question-driven feedback. Of course, there are some larger issues […]

Podcast – Misadventures in Aligned Product Development

I had the pleasure of talking with Jane Casto, CEO of Stir Creative Drive. Jane has been a product leader in such companies such as Ecolab, 3M and Imation. She now helps small and medious-sized companies become more aligned with their product development processes. She’s seen many companies that have leaned on one major product […]

Podcast – Misadventures in Leading by Fear and Intimidation

In USA Basketball coaches training, they discuss the distinction between power and trust in the coach-player relationship. The coach, always, has a level of upper hand power. This could be seen in playing time. But, it also shows itself in the way the coach treats the player and communicates with them. Coaches can exercise a […]

Podcast – Jim Tincher on Aligning Customer Experience with Metrics

Serving the customer is critical for any customer to fulfill its mission. However, many people see that ‘Customer Service’ process being a post-exchange process. It’s meant to deal with customers that have issues. However, Customer Experience is a more holistic way to look at how the organization structures itself and manages its business with the […]

Podcast – 4 Differences in Organizational Alignment v Employee Engagement

We believe that organizational alignment to mission and vision is the next stage in the evolution of employee engagement, just like engagement was the evolution from employee satisfaction. This podcast delves into 4 key differences between these two concepts, including How alignment adds a layer of purpose How the questions you ask yourself as a […]

Podcast – Alignment to Mission and Vision Defined

In our first podcast going into the 9 constructs of organizational alignment, we look at how we define alignment to Mission and Vision. As opposed to our first episode defining organizational alignment, in general, this episode looks at concepts of missiona and vision as well as how you can, in practice, enhance how mission and […]